Saturday, October 21, 2017

2017 Octomber 19 GMT -4 Dennis Lunarian (a little bit philosophy)

I am not perfect person and I know very well I am not important either. I am a nobody. I want to be someone who is humble to myself and the universe. Why someone must be eccentric in order to get attention? I can answer why, if someone is not rich, famous, high status individual, he or she may want to find a way to get attention by eccentricity. I miss my years in Greece, it was much easier to have friends and now I have to work hard to get a minute of attention in Montreal cause I am not high status individual. I am a low class poor Greek that lives in Parc Extension area in Montreal. That attention is not superficial, I want to make people laugh. I hope Montreal and in general North America will be a better place for low status people which suffer from depression, loneliness and misery although this will not change, I am very weak to change it by myself, I just make some holes in the water but I think eccentricity is the only way for a poor person to get noticed.